Medical Abbreviations

The linguistic relationship between the specialist and the patient is often complex. The limited time allocated to each medical consultation is the main reason for the specialist to shorten the length and the number of words used in his notes on a patient. The translator must carry out a synthesis exercise, based on his or her familiarity with the subject area, in order to be able to decipher the specialist. This fact represents the main driving force of the present research: to contribute to the transmission of medical documents addressed to the patient, providing the breakdown and translation (English-Spanish) of the most recurrent acronyms, acronyms and abbreviations in this field of social services.

AAP(American Academy of Pediatrics):Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría. 

AB; oATB (antibiotic):antibiótico. 

ABGs (arterial blood gases):gasometría arterial. 

ABO-HD (ABO hemolytic disease):enfermedad hemolítica por conflicto 

ABO. ABX; o Abx; oabx (antibiotic):antibiótico.  (anticonvulsant drug):anticonvulsivo. 

ADD (attention deficit disorder):disminución de la atención. 

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder):disminución de la atención asociada a la hiperactividad. ADS (acute diarrheal syndrome):síndrome diarreico agudo.

 AED (antiepileptic drug):antiepiléptico.

AF (anterior fontanel):fontanela anterior.

PA(pulmonary atresia):atresia pulmonar. paed; o PD

PED; o Peds; o peds (pediatrics):pediatría. paed;  PD; o PED Peds; o peds (pediatric):pediátrico. 

PAGA(premature, appropriate for gestational age):prematuro, adecuado para su edad gestacional.

PAPS (Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons):Asociación de Cirujanos Pediátricos del Pacífico.

PAPSA(PanAfrican Association of Paediatric Surgeons): Asociación Panafricana de Cirujanos Pediátricos. 

PDA(patent ductus arteriosum):persistencia de la permeabilidad del conducto arterioso, persistencia de la permeabilidad del conducto arterial. PFC (persistent fetal circulation):circulación fetal persistente.

In English, acronyms and abbreviations are designated by a single term: acronym. The meaning and pronunciation of these and other abbreviated forms of language, which are so frequently used as a means of expression and communication among health professionals and technicians in countries where English is used, is perhaps the most difficult part for Spanish speakers to understand;3 and some books published in Spanish include many of them, as in the glossary of medicines by Tomás D. Arias





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